Who We Are and What We Fund
Founded in 1989, The Wyss Foundation has been working hard to support the charitable organizations that help individuals in our communities. Supporting a variety of important causes, the Wyss Foundation acts as a "silent partner" to aid those bringing change throughout the world.
For the most part, the Wyss Foundation funds local organizations in areas where the trustees are, or have been, active.
The Foundation is located in Portland, Oregon and our mailing address is: 4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd., #169, Portland, OR

Hunger relief

Community radio

Music outreach and education

Hunger relief
The Wyss Foundation funds a variety of organizations such as those involved with:
Community and social services
Animal welfare
How to Apply
The procedures and operations of The Wyss Foundation are informal and there is no required application form. Grant requests should be in writing (whenever possible, emailed rather than post-mailed) and, in addition to basic general information about the applicant organization, should describe the purpose for which funding is requested, the practical implementation strategy, the potential significance to the community, anticipated costs, and sources of actual and potential support. Requests also must include a copy of the applicant organization’s Internal Revenue Service determination letter and the name, mailing address, e-mail address and telephone number of a contact person. These materials should be covered by a one-page transmittal letter which summarizes the grant request.
It is the policy of the Foundation not to make grants to organizations which discriminate on the basis of gender, religion, age, national origin, marital status, or sexual orientation. No grants, including scholarships and student loans, are made to individuals. At this time the Foundation makes no grants in the following areas: capital or endowment funds.
The Foundation makes granting decisions once per year in the early spring. In order to be considered for a grant in each new year, a request should be submitted by December 15. Organizations may submit only one request per calendar year. The Foundation encourages electronic submission of proposals or reports.

To Submit Funding Requests
We ask that your questions, requests and materials be submitted electronically whenever possible, to: wyssfoundationoregon@gmail.com
Our mailing address is:
4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd., #169
Portland, OR 97214-5246